Thursday, February 26, 2009

Coraline: "Be careful what you wish for"

This is a blog i wrote two years ago....

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Holidays with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp
dont know y, i just crazy about tim burton's movies after i watched Edward Scissorhands again with hun and his family on X'mas day... hehe
i went to google burton's movies collections, got the list and i realized i watched most of his movies in the past... like:

- my all time favorite, most romantic dark fairy tale

- watched it during my childhood, never know who's tim burton at that time!

THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS (1993)- that's the first time i watch tim burton's film by film cartoon, amazing, love it~

ED WOOD (1994)- i should watched that b4... not sure, but it's a black and white movie and johnny depp in it! hehe

- watch it with ar Him in the past, but didn't realize it's burton's film

- just rent them to watch during this weekend! Corpse bride was like another nightmare before christmas but this time i watched the process of making this film, it's just amazed me and i love all the characters, i wish i can keep those puppets! haha... Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is kind of weird but i just love all the scenes and plots in it...i wish i m one of those lucky kids who can visit the factory and meet Willy Wonka!! very interesting film... :)

so that's the ones i watched... i really want to see the latest one called SWEENEY TODD!! once again, starring Johnny Deep and Helena Bonham!! i watched the trailer, i think it should be a great one, and it's the first time depp showing off his singing on screen too!!! haha... hopefully i get to see this movie in theater, but recently hun is really busy, guess i just wait for the DVD to release... :p

so end up, i didn't get to watch Sweeney Todd either in the theater or rental... i should rent it someday... my brother watched that and he said, Johnny Depp was kind of werid when he's singing and there are a lot of violence throat cutting scene i might not enjoy... haha... ewwwwww....

recently, i saw a movie trailer, it a Digital 3D movie from the director of Nightmare before Christmas, so i thought it's a new Tim Burton's movie... but then, i found out Coraline is directed by Henry Selick, which is the Visionary Directory of
Nightmare before Christmas.... haha now i understand! this movie is based on Neil Gaiman's international best-selling novel - Coraline.

here is the plot of the movie:
" A young girl walks through a secret door in her new home and discovers an alternate version of her life. On the surface, this parallel reality is eerily similar to her real life - only much better. But when her adventure turns dangerous, and her counterfeit parents (including Other Mother) try to keep her forever, Coraline must count on her resourcefulness, determination, and bravery to get back home - and save her family. " Written by Megan
~ quote from:

when i see the photo gallery of this movie, i m sure it should be a mysterious + exciting adventure!! hehe... "Be careful what you wish for"

check the link to see the enlarged photos!!

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